Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February 2

Happy Groundhog Day!

Year 10 - Please finish the Design Brief today.  Tomorrow we will complete the third task in the Investigation:  3. Formulate A Design Specification.  We will write design specifications, justify them, and create a test to evaluate our product.

Friday is our Investigation deadline. Please stay on task to finish on time.

Please leave a comment on this post to acknowledge that you understand your assignment. Thanks so much for that;-)

Learning objectives-The student will: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24, 26

You will create a game/activity that is interactive and designed to teach someone about a social issue that you believe in and think is important for others to know about.

2.  Develop a Design Brief

Write a sentence or two to introduce this portion of your Investigation. Then craft research questions/topics  that will help you solve your problem. 

1.  Research "video game genres" .  Define, explain, compare/contrast different genres.
2.  Research "social issues".  Choose one, explain why you have chosen this.
3.  Research 3 different "games for change" to gather information and ideas that you can use when you make your own game.  Summarize the game; then analyze the game.  What did you like? What didn't you like?  What did you learn from playing this game? What ideas will you use when you make your own game? Include printscreens and url's.
4.  Now research your topic and collect information to include in your game/activity.
5.  Research 3 different programmes/tools that you can use to make your own game.  Explain findings; include details. Include printscreens and url's.  Justify your choice of programme/tool.


Term 2 Due Dates

  • Investigate - Feb 3
  • Design - Feb 10
  • Plan - Feb 17
  • Create - March 2
  • Evaluate - March 9 

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Please leave a comment on this post to acknowledge that you understand your assignment. Thanks so much for that;-)

Learning objectives-The student will: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

AOI: Health and Social Education

Our AOI focus will be Health and Social Education (concerned with the well-being of yourself and others)
How do I think and act?  How am I changing?  How can I look after myself and others?

According to the IBO:
This area of interactioin is about how humanity is affected by a range of social issues.  It is concerned with physical, social and emotional health and intelligence - key aspects of development leading to a complete and balanced lifestyle.

Health and social education goes beyond the sole provision of information and acquisition of knowledge, and encourages the development of critical-thinking skills and attitudes that play in important role when making decisions and confronting life options.  H&SE encourages respect for the self as well as respect for others.  This enables students to understand how personal decisions and actions can affect themselves as well as others.

Ourselves in the Wider Society - Behaviour and ethics
Analyse ethical and social issues and independently make personal and sustainable choices.

Ourselves and Others - Personal values and takeing responsibilities
Evaluate the consequences of your choices and investigate alternative pathways.  Exhibit and reflect upon the accountability for your decisions and actions.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 19, 20

Year 10, let's move on.  Let's look at our new project.

As you know, each MYP Technology Class presents you with a problem to solve. The "problem" is the "guiding question";-) Our guiding question is: "How can I use computer technology to make people aware of social issues?"

The best way to begin your Investigation is by writing a paragraph that explains the problem as you understand it. Then write a paragraph to connect your project to an  Area of Interaction.

According to the Assessment Rubric. . .
To get a 1/2: The student states the problem.
To get a 3/4: The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance.
To get a 5/6: The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance.

Look at these words: states, describes, explains. How are they different?
Look at these words: mentioningdiscussing. How are they different?

To help you decide which social issue check out sites like: Amnesty International, Greenpeace or do a keyword search on Google (social injustice issues)

Click here for the Identify the Problem Template.

Then it's on to the 2nd task in the Investigation - "Develop a Design Brief."

1. Write a sentence or two to introduce this portion of your Investigation.

2. Then follow these learning objectives to success,

-formulate and discuss appropriate questions (4 or 5) that guide the investigation -this means that you should create questions and then do research that will help you solve the problem
identify and acknowledge a range of appropriate sources of information - use in-text referencing and create a bibliography
-collect, analyse, select, organize and evaluate information - this deeper analysis of your research will lead to higher marks
-evaluate your sources of informationwho are your sources? are they appropriate? are they experts in the field?
Learning objectives - The student will: Differentiate action verbs, begin writing project intro (Identify the problem)independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 12

Let's finish up the Evaluate today so we can move on to the next project;-)

Learning objective: carry out tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification; evaluate their perforance at each stage of the design cycle and suggest ways in which their perforance could be improved; evaluate the impact of the product/solution on individuals and/or society.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 10

Year 10, Let's finish the evaluation;-)

Please leave a comment on this post to acknowledge that you understand your assignment.  Thanks so much for that;-)

Learning objective: carry out tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification; evaluate their perforance at each stage of the design cycle and suggest ways in which their perforance could be improved; evaluate the impact of the product/solution on individuals and/or society.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 5, 6

Welcome back Year 10.  I hope you had a good break and wish you loads of happiness in 2012.

We have 2 periods today.  Let's finish our projects so we can move onto something else.

Let's recap what is needed in the Evaluate (Criterion E).

1.  Show your business card to at least 5 people
2.  Ask them to complete the test that you created in the Investigate
3.  Analyse feedback.  Write a paragraph evaluating  the feedback you receive.  Then suggest ways that you could improve your product based on these findings.
4.  Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle (Investigate, Design, Plan, Create) AND suggest ways that you could improve your performance.
5.  Write a paragraph in which you evaluate the impact of your product/solution on OIS (Did you meet your unit goal?  Relate this paragraph back to the Area of Interaction that you used in your "Identify the Problem" in the Investigation).

I will also need your Create (Criterion D).   

Please print your work for Create and Evaluate.

Please leave a comment on this post to acknowledge that you understand your assignment.  Thanks so much for that;-)

Learning objective: carry out tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification; evaluate their perforance at each stage of the design cycle and suggest ways in which their perforance could be improved; evaluate the impact of the product/solution on individuals and/or society.