Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 28, April 1
Year 10, this is such good advice!

On on to the CREATE, Criterion D, maximum 6

Criterion D: Create Maximum 6
According to the IBO: Students are expected to document, with a series of photographs or a video and a dated record, the process of making their product/solution, including when and how they use tools, materials and techniques. Make a process journal, include printscreens.

Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.

To get a 6 the student: competently uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

Learning objective: Use a range of appropriate techniques and equipment competently, follow the plan to produce the product/solution.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22, 24, 25
Here is a link for a student e-portfolio.
You should evaluate at least 1 e-portfolio and include this in your Investigate. You would look at other student e-portfolios to gather information and ideas that you can use in your own e-portfolio.

For more examples, please check out this wiki;-)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 14
Year 10, Welcome back.  I hope that you had a nice break and that you are all rested.

A special THANK YOU to Sara, Leonor and Carlota for answering the question on the last post.  I had asked each of you to leave a comment on the blog to tell me what tool you will use to showcase your learning.

Before we go any further don't forget that your final product must include at least one multimedia item.  How many subjects and activities will you include?  Let's talk about this . . .

You should finish your Investigation today and start on your PLAN - Criterion C (maximum 6).

The PLAN should include:
1.  Resources

2. Step by Step plan (include time)

3. Remember to include a paragraph to evaluate your plan.  Say why your plan will work.  Ask someone to evaluate your plan and give you feedback.  Include this information in your paragraph.

Learning objectives:
1. construct a plan to create the product/solution that has a series of logical steps,
2. construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective use of resources and time,
3. evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 4
Year 10 on February 21 I asked you to leave me a comment which included your name and the tool that you intend to use to create your e-portfolio.  Not one of you has completed that assignment.  Please do so today.

You should now be on the third step of the Investigation:  3.  Formulate a Design Specification

According to the MYP Technology Glossary:  Design Specification - A detailed description of the conditions, requirements and restrictions with which a design must comply.  This is a precise and accurate list of facts, such as conditions, dimensions, materials, process and methods, that are important for the designer and for the user.  All appropriate solutions will need to comply with the design specification.

1)write a Detailed List of Design Specifications for your product/solution,
2) include detailed methods for appropriate testing of your product/solution.

Let's discuss this assignment and I will share an example with you before we begin.  Thank you.

Learning objectives - The student will: list the specific requirement that must be met by the product/solution; design tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.