Year 10, continue with the Investigation.
2. Develop a Design Brief - This is the 2nd step of the Investigate
1. Write a sentence or two to introduce this portion of your Investigation.
2. Then follow these learning objectives to success,
-formulate and discuss appropriate questions (4 or 5) that guide the investigation -this means that you should create questions and then do research that will help you solve the problem
- identify and acknowledge a range of appropriate sources of information - use in-text referencing and create a bibliography
-collect, analyse, select, organize and evaluate information - this deeper analysis of your research will lead to higher marks
-evaluate your sources of information- who are your sources? are they appropriate? are they experts in the field?
Let's brainstorm topics of research.
Sources of information: Carefully consider the sources of information that you use. Use experts in the field. Remember, you will need a bibliography. You will need to evaluate your sources.
Don't forget:
1. Make sure your research is pertinent
2. Make sure your research is complete-it's your responsibility to be clear and concise
3. You need to use a range of sources
4. Make sure your research work is clearly and attractively presented
Appropriate language to use when documenting your research:
From my research I found out . . .
I have discovered that . . .
My conclusions are that . . .
I have kept my research relevant by. . .
Based on my research I can conclude . . .
IB Learner Profile: Inquirer
Learning objectives - The student will: Differentiate action verbs, independently identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.
Learning objectives: independently identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.