Year 11, remember that if you are using PowerPoint 2010 - you must use the advanced features.
1.No typing mistakes - remember that you have control over this. Turn on the spell check and if in doubt, pull out a dictionary and look the word up to see if it is spelled correctly.
2. Don't forget to Deactivate the Mouse click feature:
3. Working with animations:
4. Use Action Buttons - they make life easier:
5. How to remove a background from a picture:
6. How to embed a youtube video in a PPT:
7. How to add music to a powerpoint presentation:
8. Recording audio in PPT 2010:
Year 11, these are some of the features that I hope can help you.
Remember this Year 11 project should be student directed;-)
Learning Objective: The student will: use a range of appropriate techniques and equipment competently; ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others; follow the plan to produce the product/soltuion; evaluate the plan and justify any changes to the plan (when necessary); and create a product/solution of appropriate quality.