Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 26

What is a storyboard? According to Wikipedia, "Storyboards are graphic organizers in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, ..." This is particularly pertinent in relation to our current project. Creating a storyboard will help you plan your animation out shot by shot. You can make changes to your storyboard before you start animating, instead of after you have begun your video potentially saving you loads of time. (For more info check out this link: http://accad.osu.edu/womenandtech/Storyboard%20Resource/.)

Do a quick keyword search (storyboard template) on Google to get ideas to produce your own storyboard.

Now, onto the DESIGN (Criterion B).
You need to produce two (2) different complete storyboards for you movie and to evaluate each against your design specification.  Then you need to choose one of the designs and write a paragraph justifying your choice.
According to the IBO:
"Students are expected to generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.
Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.
To get a 5/6: The student generates a range of feasible designs, each evaluated against the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design and evaluates it fully and critically against the design specification."
IB Learner Profile: Risk-taker
Learning Objective: generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification; evaluate the designs against the specification; select one design andjustify its choice.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 19, 20

Year 10 Welcome Back.

Our unit question is: How can I use Computer Technology to creatively tell a story?
Area of Interaction: Human Ingenuity

Let's create due dates together;-)

1. Identify the Problem (2 paragraphs)
1. The best way to begin your Investigation is by writing a paragraph that explains the problem as you understand it. (State problem, restate problem in your own words, say why this project is relevant, say how you will solve the problem, say who your customer is).
2. Then write a paragraph to connect your project to an Area of Interaction (Human Ingenuity)

Click here for the Identify the Problem Template.
2. Develop a Design Brief (Ask and answer the following questions or look at the following research topics to help you solve your problem)

Write a sentence to introduce this section of the project (ex: To drive my Investigation I will conduct the following research.)
1. What is stop motion? Research and explain in your own words.
2. What are the elements of a story?
3. Look at 4 stop motion videos to gather information and ideas to make your own video?
(What worked? What didn't? What did you like? What didn't you like? What ideas can you use?
4. What techniques do I need to know to create a stop motion video? (Look at a tutorial).
5. What video host will you use? (Look at 2, justify choice)

Learning objectives: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.