Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 24, 28, February 1

Step 3 - Create 3 logo designs that meet your design specification,
Step 4 - Choose 1 and fully justify your choice against the design specification,
Step 5 - Create the logo.

Remember this is DESIGN - Criterion B

Learning Objective - The student will: generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification; evaluate the designs against the design specification; select one design and justify its choice.

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 18, 20, 21

Year 10 - Remember our first task is to create a logo which represents your learning. 

The following would be a good place to start . . .

Step 1 - Research logos:  what they are, how to make them, what to do with them,
Step 2 - Based on your research create a design specification for you logo,
Step 3 - Create 3 logo designs that meet your design specification,
Step 4 - Choose 1 and fully justify your choice against the design specification,
Step 5 - Create the logo.

Learning objective - The student will: (Criterion A) formulate and discuss appropriate questions that guide the investigation; identify and acknowledge a range of appropriate sources of information; collect, analyse, select, organize and evaluate information; evaluate the sources of information.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 14

Year 10, New Project!!!!!

Our Term 2 project will have 2 components:  1) creating a "logo" which represents your learning and 2) creating a digital portfolio to showcase your learning achievements.

Our Unit question will be:  How can I showcase my achievements electronically? 

Let's take a look at the Unit of Work before we begin.

Now, Year 10 we are going to mix things up a bit;-)

Step 1 - Research logos:  what they are, how to make them, what to do with them,
Step 2 - Based on your research create a design specification for your logo,
Step 3 - Create 3 logo designs that meet your design specification,
Step 4 - Choose 1 and fully justify your choice against the design specification,
Step 5 - Create the logo.

Let's go!!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 4, 5, 6, 10

Year 10 - Welcome back.  I hope you had a great holiday break and you are ready to get down to work;-)

Before we can begin a new project, we need to finish our Evaluate - Criterion E.

Remember, you need to:
o get full marks the student: 

  • evaluates the success of the product/solution in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users, 
  • provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements,
  • provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.
1.The first task is to receive feedback on your product. Show your game to 5 other people in the target group and ask them to complete the questionnaire that you created in the Investigation;-).
2. Write a paragraph analyzing the feedback,
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggest ways that you can improve,
4. Write a paragraph in which you evaluate the impact of your product/solution on OIS (relate this paragraph back to the Area of Interaction that you used in your "Identify the Problem" Investigate).

Learning objective: carry out tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification; evaluate their perforance at each stage of the design cyucle and suggest ways in which their perforance could be improved; evaluate the impact of the product/solution on individuals and/or society.