Thursday, September 30, 2010

October 1

Year 10 - Monday was a bad day for the internet. We didn't accomplish as much as we wanted to so be sure to finish analyzing games today. Your task is to gather information and ideas to make your own game. Remember to include: game name/info (this is provided), a print screen and evaluation of the game. What did you like? What didn't you like? What ideas did you get that you could use when you create your own game?

Learning objectives: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 27

Year 10, How can you make meaning out of very little? Take 10 minutes and solve the problem you find on this link;-)

Next, be sure to finish analyzing games today.  Your task is to gather information and ideas to make your own game.  Remember to include: game name/info (this is provided),  a print screen  and evaluation of the game.  What did you like?  What didn't you like?  What ideas did you get that you could use when you create your own game?

Learning objectives: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 24

Year 10 - Continue with your research.  Remember to be thinking about Design Specifications.

After you evaluate games, the next logical step would be to look at programs that you could use.


Learning objectives: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 17, 21, 23

Then follow these learning objectives to success,

-formulate and discuss appropriate questions (4 or 5) that guide the investigation - this means that you should create questions and then do research that will help you solve the problem
- identify and acknowledge a range of appropriate sources of information - use in-text referencing and create a bibliography
-collect, analyse, select, organize and evaluate information - this deeper analysis of your research will lead to higher marks
-evaluate your sources of information- who are your sources? are they appropriate? are they experts in the field?
Develop 4-5 pertinent questions to help drive your Investigation, then conduct research to answer each question. A good place to begin is by researching your social issue and collecting information and images that you could use when making your game.
Let's brainstorm other possible questions that would help you solve your unit problem.
Also, begin to think about Design Specifications;-)

Learning objectives: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 13

Good Morning Year 10!

We have a double period today so we should be able to get loads of work done. Let's take 20 minutes and finish "Identify the Problem."

Then it's on to the 2nd task in the Investigation - "Develop a Design Brief."

1. Write a sentence or two to introduce this portion of your Investigation.

2. Then follow these learning objectives to success,

-formulate and discuss appropriate questions (4 or 5) that guide the investigation - this means that you should create questions and then do research that will help you solve the problem

- identify and acknowledge a range of appropriate sources of information - use in-text referencing and create a bibliography

-collect, analyse, select, organize and evaluate information - this deeper analysis of your research will lead to higher marks

-evaluate your sources of information- who are your sources? are they appropriate? are they experts in the field?

Learning objectives: independently identify meaningful questions, carrry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 10

Year 10 - Let's begin!

You have chosen your topic, now let's start the Investigation.

Remember there are 3 tasks in the Investigation:
1. Identify the problem,
2. Develop a design brief
3. Formulate a design specification
Open a document (Word 2010 or Google docs). This is a formal scholastic document so please use appropriate fonts and font sizes.

If necessary use this template as a guide to begin your Investigation.
Learning objective: outline the design brief

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 9

First, let's open Google Docs accounts. At the moment you don't have a folder on the school's server. Will will create Google doc accounts to have a safe place to house our documents. Take 15 minutes and follow these instructions to create your own account:

Let's look at the Unit of Work, and the Areas of Interaction Guide before we get started.

Year 10,
Remember there are 3 tasks in the Investigation. The first task is IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM.

As you know, each MYP Technology Class presents you with a problem to solve. The "problem" is the "guiding question";-) Our guiding question is: "How can I use computer technology to make people aware of social issues?"

The best way to begin your Investigation is by writing a paragraph that explains the problem as you understand it. Then connect your project to at least 2 Areas of Interaction.

According to the Assessment Rubric. . .
To get a 1/2: The student states the problem.
To get a 3/4: The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance.
To get a 5/6: The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance.

Look at these words: states, describes, explains. How are they different?
Look at these words: mentioning, discussing. How are they different?

Drafts of the Identify the Problem will be due April 8. I will then be able to make corrections and return them to you in a timely manner.

To help you decide which social issue check out sites like: Amnesty International, Greenpeace or do a keyword search on Google (social injustice issues)

Click here for the Identify the Problem Template.

Thanks for your cooperation;-)

Learning objective: Differentiate action verbs, begin writing project intro (Identify the problem).

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 7 - WELCOME

Year 10 Welcome to OIS and WELCOME to Technology!

Let's take a few minutes to introduce ourselves and then talk about our class blog, 2of our upcoming projects (Teaching Aid and Video), class rules and expectations.

Next, we will watch the video and create blogs of our own to be used as a process journal.

Learning objective: Students will create a blog which will serve as a process journal.